
Hachioji International Festival 2015

You are welcome to Photograph Exhibition of smile

We are looking for volunteers!

Language Series of Autumn will start in September

Introduction Corner of Group Members

Medical Corporation Association KNI Kitahara International Hospital

Sekai no hito to fureai time : Story of Republic of Togo

Vietnam Cooking Class  Bun thit nuong (grilled meat noodle)

Training and gathering for members

No problem even if we are unable to speak foreign language : Let’s inform in [easy Japanese]!

We cooperated with training course for elementary/junior high school teachers

Cooperation for summer training of teachers

Facebook Community Event :  Pulling dashi at Hachioji Festival

Notice Participation to 36th Hachioji Icho Festival

A Population Census will be conducted from 1st half of September

Activities Schedule(July-August, 2015)

News Letters from Support Desk

Information Medical Consultation

Report on No. of members (as of September. 1, 2015)